Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hey guys, just dropping by to congratulate the appointed committee yesterday. Going to make it short. I believe and hope that the committee will work TOGETHER and improve the band. There is a lot of space for improvement in this band, and I wish to see changes in the band. Changes for the good, and not bad, that is. Each committee member MUST know their roles and responsibilities well. If you are not sure yet, kindly go to your seniors and ask them. IF they do not know, you can always approach me, or Pat or any of the alumnis, not forgetting your teachers and instructors. We need to “throw away” old bad habits and start a new with a good habits. Start a new era and which in generations to come will follow and IMPROVE when they take over.

Each and everyone of you have my support. I will try my best to work with you guys to make AI BAND to be a better band.

Lastly, to all the other who has not gotten any post, it’s not the end of the world. Some of you, maybe, it’s not the time yet or simply, there are limited post. So, don’t be upset. You can always help the committee in one way or the other. Without your support, the committee cannot run well as well. Thus, I hope the band will give full support to the appointed committee.

To the committee, once again, CONGRATULATION and do a good job for the band. Try your best to bring AI BAND back up on feet. I BELIEVE, YOU CAN DO IT!

And ouh yes, to all my Muslims in the AI BAND family, SELAMAT HARI RAYA, MAAF ZAHIR BATIN. If I have said anything wrong or my words may be to harsh and all, do forgive me. Sometimes it’s for the better. And the rest, HAPPY HOLIDAYS! :D

With love,

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