Saturday, April 21, 2012

Message to the Seniors,

What we think of you all:
1)   You come late.
2)   You are lazy.
3)   Some of you all don't hold your instruments properly.
4)   You show bad examples and scold us for doing the same.
5)   You give us punishments for the wrong reasons.
6)   You use your handphones while the teachers/conductors are talking.
7)   You slack during sections and (refer to #4)
8)   Some of you always act cu

What we want from you all:
8)   Not to slack during sectionals but instead help us improve.
9)   To pay attention to the teachers/conductors when they are talking.
10) To practice hard yourselves so that Sir doesn't scold you all.
11) To tell us beforehand that you'll be coming late so that we don't have to wait for you all.

12) To be puntual.
13) To wait patiently and silently for further instructions.
14) To not be arrogant.
15) To help and support us when we can't play our pieces
16) To not be sarcastic.

-Angry Band Juniors.

Jokes aside, our juniors said this straight to our face.
Even they could see what's happening here. Fun is fun, but you all should know when you need to be serious. Don't tell me you guys don't feel even abit embarassed? Even if you know you didn't do anything to make your juniors think of you in this way. How about those who are guilty of such?

Guys, if you're thinking 'who gives a shit', you really have attitude problems. SERIOUS attitude problems.

The points highlighted in red are some of the things that are super obvious, just needing to be amphasised if you all can't see it yet. #4, on your part, is.. Come on seniors, really? The juniors's brain is programmed to emulate whatever they see done by respected people, its NOT their fault.
And #6, the reason why we collect them in the first place to BECAUSE of #6! We've stoppped collecting 'em, cause we thought you've learnt abit from why we did it in the first place. Do we have to start doing again?

The ones highlighted in blue are the things i can't stress out to you all any further! THIS HAS TO CHANGE. Some of them can be laughable uhh, like #16. Ouh wait, thats the only one. And #11, try to work with it. The rest? They're intolerable, got that?

We can't have our juniors to think about us in such a negative way. We have to change for the better! Yes, well, I'm saying all this when yesterday was our last practice and Sunday is our last performance. This means that all of this is in the next batch's hands.

Music wise, there's nothing much to say cause its all okay on that part. But it's some of these off-music parts that stops us from improving even better. Its exactly 12months till our next SYF. Lets all do it right this time!


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