Sunday, January 13, 2013

Talent ID for the sec 1s will be on Monday,Tuesday and Wednesday.All SLs and 1 more person from each section will be involved.
For TMR ONLY, talent id will be at the atrium as there is o level music in the music room.You guys will take up the tables at the atrium.I want you to draw and decorate your section name on a piece of paper so that you can stick it on the table for the sec 1s to see.

Reporting time: 2.50pm
Dresscode: #6 with schl skirt/shorts/long pants
All of you will go for sectionals first.Then the SLs and one person will come back to the atrium at 3.25pm and get ready for the sec 1s to come.After talent ID ends, the SLs and other member will join your section for sectionals.
That is all
-Priyanka =)

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