Saturday, July 17, 2010

Nxt Band Practice on tuesday was cancelled because of O'LVL LC(Listening Compre), thus Band practice is on WEDNESDAY, 2.30pm-6pm. Report 2.30, Dont take ur time to stroll in unless you have special reason. Dress code: Band Tee. Those who never wear, owe me 1 round.

*Instrument that are brought home should be well-taken care of, and well-use of. Please don't just bring home because we told your to bring home and in the end your end up not practising, Sec1s, your promise MR.GHAZ that, your will do better than us right? So now, it's time to show it! PRACTICE. If you're a student, you study. If you are a musician, you practice! If you are not good enough you practice! Don't just sit there and do nothing, you won't improve! Come'on people, PLS WAKE UPPP!!! Junior Band Festival is just around the corner, you know? National Day is also around the corner, if your don't play well, what else can your do?

But, most importantly, your need to enjoy the music itself. =) Yesterday band practice, i'm sure those who have came had heard some difference when you do your best to play right? So, i hope that furthur practice can also be like that!


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