Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Firstly, thanks to those who came down for today's drill. lets see we brushed up most of the basics, did some marching and beloks (hahaha) despite countless time. there's still room for more improvements. we even tried out some DISPLAY TECHNIQUES. sorry we were still caught up with NCO and it actually went quite well. it will be more fun if the whole band's there and if we get to try some songs. i'm certainly looking forward for the next drills.

coming band prac is this Thursday 291107. Report @ 8.55 sharp. Section Leaders please inform your section mates and spread the word around. i'll call you guys up tomorrow. Please wear school uniform. 4(less than that) more days left. work hard.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Confirmed, there are drills tomorrow 271107 at 0900. meet at the court yard. ensure you wear proper footwear. NO SLIPPERS NOR SANDALS. only shoes. advisable wear pe t-shirt and lower school garment/shorts. please inform your band members. COMPULSORY for all SEC 1s 2s and 3s. we'll be calling you guys up. dont be late.


Monday, November 26, 2007

yeah, we're back thanks to Jia Hao.

To all the sections,
please take your sectionals seriously. our next performance is in 6 days time. ensure to practise the important parts that you cant play. you guys should be all set and ready by thursday okay. just a reminder, those who arent coming for the next band prac do inform your majors.

and yeah, there might be drills on tuesday 271107 morning. i will reconfirm with you guys by tomorrow. its compulsory for all Sec 3s. we are gonna brush up our foots drills level by level and i might just sneak in some display technique. hehe. sorry, still caught up with nco. but it'll be fun really. the Sec 2s and 1s can also join us but i will be drilling you guys for the following weeks. so ya, i'll keep you guys updated.


Thursday, November 15, 2007

Performance this saturday!

Friday, August 17, 2007

I think the band lacks alot alot alot of things.

1. Discipline
2. Respect
3. Support
4. Hardworking bandmembers.
5. The other side of your conductor.
6. Members.

Do something about it okay? If not, Ms Diana will kill you. Hahaha!
Here are the pictures for the lunchtime concert.



Monday, August 13, 2007

I realise I had this video in my laptop a long time ago. Heh.


Saturday, June 30, 2007

(some people excluded)

.A Tribute To Sembawang Park.

On the 15th June,

Aiband finally met up as a family to go for a Gathering/Picnic. All right, though the place is at Sembawang Park (the dirty place) but I think the whole picnic was quite meaningful.

We decided to meet at 11am at Sun Plaza, Sembawang. Obviously, some people were late and we had to wait for them at Sun Plaza/Sembawang park till they arrive. Oh yes, $2 is seriously VERY cheap for the whole thing. We brought too much food but less drinks. O.o Quite shocking about it though. It was quite a turn out though. A lot of you guys came, I appreciate it. Even the junior freshies came, I thank you guys a lot. ((:

While waiting for the people, we camwhored (Yiling's Camera), outside Mcdonald's while waitin for my 60 piece nuggets to be done. We had a lot of food. Surprisingly, only Farah, Hydhir, Jing Yi and myself had real food to eat (other than Varun bringing in Ice-cream!!). The rest of them brought JUNK FOOD!!!! 100% total FATTENING and HIGH MSG!

So, we waited for a bunch of late comers.

Yanrong, Yong Er, Prescilla *Agneta head
(Temp. QM, Secretary, Librarian)

Varun (Temp. DBM)

Agneta (Ex-Secretary)

Mindy (Trombone Ex-SL)

Jia Hao (Temp Treasurer)

Me (Current Alumni)

Chiaxing (Temp. Band Majorette)

Headed down to the bus stop, waited for bus 882. It seems like the whole 882 berth belongs to the band. It was packed with the Kids and Myself. HA! We made so much noise about what to do and who to carry the volleyball. *Stupid Jiahao. Anyways, the back of the bus was occupied by the bandmembers. Some polluting the air with their awful whining and laughter. LOL! As usual, CAMWHORE!

Farah (Euphonium)

Mindy (Ex-Tbonist, with Aibandmembers)

The queue of Aiband members.

Yan Rong *Qm* Posing

Me *Fifi* Holding the ball and on the phone

Reached Sembawang Park, we went to find a place to put our stuffs. Lucky enough, we're able to find a shelter which was quite near to the restrooms. Hence, the games began!

Well, we started off with "Ice breaker". It was kind of a stupid game *I suppose. Then, there were four teams. Funny things happened like screaming, shouting, Ga-Ga-ing over names and all.

Horn-ster Outcast.

Ice Breaker!

Damn funny! Well, the loser team had to vote for a outcast member to be thrown to the sea. Guess WHO was VOTED to be THROWN to the SEA?!

JIAHAO!!! ((:

Oh well, next we had the MURDERER game. Damn funny game. Well, stupid people doing stupid stuffs and all. Yup, it was quite fun seriously. Afterwhich we played Captain's ball, Ice and water and more! Captain's ball, I don't remember which team lost, but Illya was too tall for that game! Ice and water really made them lose some weight due to running around at the Tar-red ground. LOL!

*Note to self : Never run on the road barefooted. You will get blisters!*


Ice and Water!

Ice and Water. RUN!!!

Jingyi caught a ball! YAY! =X

Waiting to be revived. LOL!

Then, they ate and ate and ate. Ohmygosh! I tell you, the first thing to finish was Farah's AWESOME currypuffs! Next, my MONEYCOST-ED 6o piece MCNUGGETS and lastly was Hydhir's SUPERB fried RICE. None will eat JUNK FOOD! Varun brought ICE CREAM! Haha! Damn NICE!

*Jeng jeng jeng*

Gathering Session before fear factor.

After whole eating and all, it was time to gather and the path.

Hence, it's time to introduce the...


It was totally a crude thing to do. I was laughing at them doing it. Well, some funny sh*t happened. Lily fell into the drain! (scary but funny!). Mindy, Haikal and their team mates PUKED!


It was FLOUR almost everywhere!

Flour moment!

Let me brief it into details on how the obstacle course works.

Each group consists of 6 bandmembers, of which has to be from different section, different batches. There were 3 groups.

First station - First member will be given a big, huge, thick branch/stick and he/she will have to spin around 20 times, with heads looking down on the floor and not closing their eyes. Then, they have to run in a straight path, heading to the other station.

Second station - First member will have to dig and grab a TWISTIE (chicken flavoured) which is covered in flour using mouth and pass it to the second member, mouth to mouth. The second member then have to run to the third station with the twistie bitten in his/her mouth.

Third station - Second member have to spit the twistie into a cup filled with plain water. With the saliva,flour and twistie. He/she have to splash the water onto the third member's face. The third member has to run to the fourth station.

Fourth station - it was the most CRUDE station ever. HA! the third member has to search "Wether's Original" sweet (wrapped) in a pool of sauces from Mcdonalds, using their mouth. The pool is filled with Barbeque sauce, Garlic Chilli sauce, Sweet and Sour sauce, Ketchup and a pinch of flour. With the sweet in the mouth, pass to the fourth person the the fifth person.

Fifth station - the fifth person has to run across a station and spit the sauce-d flavoured sweet into a cup of flour. Then, run back to gulp a cup of "GRAPE FLOAT" (F&N Grape + Flour). Then, run to the six station.

Sixth Station - Easiest of all! With the cup of flour and sweet, use it to make up the team members.



Easy as 1,2,3. Okay, pictures of it and VIDEOS too!

The Three groups

Flouring them.


Setting up the Sauce.

Prescilla With the Sauce.

The Spinners.
Yanrong, Yong Er, Lily.

Again, them.

Spinning Moment.

Danial with the Sauce.


The Aftermath!

Flour-ed Mindy.

Eee. Dirty!

Well, it's the finale of the event. It was already Sunset and it was time for..


It was time for them to fall in, march out and fall out of the whole event. It was a surprising moment for the juniors. It was a test of endurance and determination. The juniors was outcast-ed from the seniors. The seniors surprised them with a big splash and huge amount of water from the bottles and more! Then, the brasses were tied up and the woodwinds/percs attacked them. It was really moment of joy and fun. It was really a bonding session with the juniors.

Our beloved Mr Tong came in the evening. He's DAMN cheeky! He splash-ed everyone with his water tumbler especially YILING! Haha! Gosh, she got wet! Yup. Then, we went to the sea. Peisin got caught in a fishing hook. *eek* Luckily, she's alive. HAHA!

It was a band potrait moment.

Psst : We were almost fined by the NEA for dirtying the place. We had to clean it up. Haha!

At night, after showering and more. Some of them left earlier and the usuals stayed back with Mr Tong. We played "Bluffed", "Murderer", "Taitee" and more. Mr Tong taught us a Game! Wow! It was a game of guessing. Guess which card is bigger. HAHA!

Alot of FOOD leftover! Some of us had to bring home a lot of things! haha!

It was a pretty fun event. I think sooner or later, we will have more of this event. Haha!

overdue-d : Happy Anniversary Danial&Agneta.

Love Aiband.

`totally XIAOFI ;;